Is this really happening?
Let's just say I wasn't exactly expecting to be ... expecting this month.
Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED! And Wes is giddy with excitement. But holy cow, this might actually be happening. What are we in for...
Let's just say I wasn't exactly expecting to be ... expecting this month.
Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED! And Wes is giddy with excitement. But holy cow, this might actually be happening. What are we in for...
Let me back up a little bit. After not being able to ovulate naturally for several years due to my lovely friend PCOS, I was a bit skeptical that my new gyno's recommended course of action would work. Could a Progesterone shot to the butt and $1.80 pack of 5 Clomid pills really make my body cooperate? Might as well try. So, I got the shot (Ouch!) and picked up my pills. Here's the play-by-play:
Day 1 - The shot gave me a tiny 1/2 day period on November 8th.
Days 3-7 - Clomid. A few hot flashes, some moodiness, but all in all I think I handled it okay.
Days 8+ - Mucinex to get all the mucus flowing (Clomid has a tendency to dry you up. I know, lovely.).
Days 11-16 - Ovulation (at some point). I tried not to be too serious with the whole baby-making-on-a-schedule thing - I figured that it would happen if it was in the Lord's plan, and if it wasn't then I wouldn't stress about it. But, still it was hard not to think about it 24/7! I took an ovulation test every day, but never got a positive result. So, I kinda figured that I never ovulated after all.
Day 16 - Holy sports bra, batman! All of a sudden my boobs started killing me. I figured it was just the Clomid, since that's one of the common side effects. But then my stomach started getting a little crampy. Hmmm. Didn't really think too much of it, probably just the ab exercises from my workout class.
Day 27 - I was up at 3:30am to run the CIM Relay with some girlfriends. I realized that it was getting close to 30 days, so I may as well try one of the new pregnancy tests I bought. The result? A very faint line (bottom one in the picture). After reading several reviews of the PG tests on Amazon of women who had seen an evaporation line on the test sticks, I figured it was nothing. But, I told my coworker about it the next morning and she said it was probably a positive. What the heck?
Day 28 - I rushed home from work, headed straight for the bathroom and did two more PG tests (top two in the picture). Can't really refute the results when both showed up with two purple lines! After sitting there in the bathroom staring at those strips for what felt like hours, I slowly walked to the living room and made Wes read them too. Then I texted the picture below to my cousin and made her read them too. Wes was giddy with excitement and I was shaking. So what did we do? We drove to Raley's at 10:30 pm to pick up another PG test to confirm everything in the morning. I felt a little shady running into a grocery store just before closing to buy one pregnancy test and nothing else, and self-consciously made sure the checker saw my wedding ring. Isn't it weird to worry about something so stupid?
Day 29 - Couldn't hardly sleep so I finally got up to test at 3:30am. Yep, I think I'm pregnant!
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